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Reported by Graham Lloyd 29 Nov 10
It is with sadness that I have learnt that ex FCCY A D (Tony)PARKINSON MBE Crossed the Bar on 26th November 2010. This information has been gleaned from the RNCCA website. Although he was not an RNCA member,I'm sure many of our members will have encountered Tony during their Naval Careers.
Reported 5 Nov 10 by Carl.
It is with great sadness that I have to inform the Assoc. that Mark the son of George and Lynn Raby and Step son of Pauline Raby crossed the bar on Wednesday 3rd November after putting up a very long fight against cancer.
Our thoughts are with his family at this tragic time.
May Mark encounter calm waters on his journey to the Elysian Fields.
Reported by David Poynder.
PO Tel WE (Wally) Breton DSM died 19th September 2010.
Although I never managed to get Wally to join the RNCA which I tried doing when he was 90 he reckoned he could not keep up with the numerous Association newsletters he already belonged to!
Wally was a very special gent who would never say why he was "mentioned in dispatches" at Dunkirk nor why he was awarded his "DSM" on Russian Convoy PQ18!
He passed away at 1830 on Sunday 19th September aged 95.
I suspect some of our WW2 members may well remember him. His details will be in the November Navy News.
Colin Duckworth (ex CRS) passed away in the first week in March 2010.
Forwarded by Alan Barry on 18 Dec 09.
It is with sadness I inform you that Bungy (Maurice) Williams passed away on the 10th December.
Maurice was part of the Semaphore 05 and joined with the late Brian, Millar and Alan B(same class).
Below is a report that appeared in the local press.
WILLIAMS Maurice Kenneth ( Bungy )
( Ex Royal Navy and West Midlands Fire Service )
Passed away at home on 10th December 2009, after a long illness, aged 64 years.
Father of Kevin and Stacey, brother of Jackie, brother-in-law of Ted and uncle of Zoe.
He will be sadly missed by all who knew him. The funeral service will take place at Oakley Wood Crematorium, South Chapel on Wednesday 23rd December at 1.30pm.
All flowers welcome, but donations, if desired may be made payable to Help for Heroes and sent c/o Co-operative Funeral Services, 52 Warwick Street, Leamington Spa, CV32 5JP Tel: 01926 428665
For those that are able to attend, Alan B and Millar will be there, it will be a Navy Funeral, blazers and medals.
Reported on 14 December 09 by Carl.
Ken Bartlett, Memb. No. 187, CCY, DJX905488, crossed the bar on Tuesday 8th Dec 09.
Reported December 3rd by Harry Booth.
Does anyone remember RO2 Ian Chalkley, who served on HMS Centaur 1960 - 1962. If they do, they may be interested to know that he passed away recently at his home in Mandurah near Perth Western Australia. He was 72.
A jovial guy, who could get everyone going.
Reported Mon 13th July. Submitted by Hugh Mailer.
Eric Bishop former RS. HMS Ursa and Mauritius sadly Crossed the Bar last Sunday, I don't have Eric's official No and he was not a member of the RNA but I am sure there are many who will remember him.
Reported 17th February 2009.
I regret to inform you that Jim Pidgley (Ex Chief Yeoman) Crossed the Bar on Tuesday 17th February 2009 after a brief illness with cancer.
Reported 19th January 2009.
Brian sadly passed away in the early hours of Monday morning 19th January.
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