05 Jan 25 - Please see new blog regarding tracking down a particular photo taken at HMS Mercury's 50th anniversary in June 1991. Log on to see.
12 Dec 24 - Drupal core engine updated to v7.103
11 Dec 24 - The Christmas edition of the RNCA Communicator magazine has now been sent by bulk email and is also posted in the 'Downloads: RNCA Communicator Magazine' page. If you haven't received it and you think you should have, email me at websiteman@rnca.info .
03 Sep 24 - Important advisory - AGM 2025 information has been updated and anyone who intends to book will need to read and inwardly digest. Log on, go to the member's area menu (left hand side) and click on 'Events', then click on the AGM link. Thank you for your co-operation!
13 Aug 24 - Details of next year's AGM are now available in the member's area in the 'Events' page. All details including dates and booking options are available. Log on to view.
09 Feb 22 - New blog from the Secretary regarding government help with employment and other useful info purely for veterans. Log on to see.
06 Oct 21 - A recent membership request from foreign climes has brought to the committee's notice an anomaly that could leave the association out of pocket! The bottom line is that if you live abroad, the 'Cross Border payment' must be added to the membership fee when applying/renewing, otherwise the RNCA ends up short changed. Membership applications/renewals will no longer be accepted from ex-pats unless this transaction fee is taken into account, if applicable from your country. Thank you for your co-operation.
05 May 20 - New blog regarding RNA bereavement update.
17 Jun 19 - June's edition of the RNA Semaphore Circular is now available for download. Attention is drawn to article 12 ref NHS priority treatment. Log on to access from the downloads section.
08 Aug 18 - New Notice of Interest regarding the free service provided by SAIL (Seafarers Advice and Information Line) which could be described as the Naval Veterans Citizens Advice. Log on to access.
26 Oct 17 - A new Notice of Interest concerning the seAp Advocacy service and what it can provide in the way of help for ex-service personnel. Log on to access.
05 Nov 15 - A reminder of photos taken in 2010 of HMS Mercury before it was demolished
05 Nov 15 - Follow the links for photographs taken in 2013 of HMS Ganges
20 Oct 15 - A large library of original 'Communicator' magazines from 1952 to 1974 has been made available to us courtesy of Joe Kirk, the webmaster of the Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society. The link is here and also copied in the 'links' page.
09 Mar 15 - We now hold the copyright to a video of the history of HMS Mercury produced c1993. It is fascinating viewing and certainly brings back some memories. To view, log on, go to Comms History and then scroll down to the 'HISTORY OF HMS MERCURY' article.
17 Jul 14 - The history of HMS Mercury written by the late Chris Rickard and published on the RNCCA Website in March 2006 is now available in the Comms History section. This is a comprehensive and informative document written by a true and loyal bunting. Our thanks go to George Foster and the committee at the RNCCA. The RNCA acknowledges and thanks the RNCCA for their permission to publish this important piece.